Pastor’s Wives Counseling
Pastor’s Wives Counseling – $125.00 per session $90.00 (no insurance)
As woman, we will face many trials and tribulation in a lifetime, and being called to ministry, is no exception. In fact, it adds to the chaos of life. What do one do, when striving to overcome and conquer obstacles that seems to be never ending?
Balancing family, ministry and work, pastor’s wives are often over looked and sometimes forgotten. Thrive Therapy offers pastor’s wives an outlet and confidant they can intrust with their daily hitches of maintaining spiritual balance, ministry and wifely obligations that can lead to stored stress and mental health.
As a pastor and a wife to a Bishop for over 20 years, I identify with the overwhelming emotions of censoring my feelings. Often times seeking a confidant who can lend an ear without any bias or judgement. Thrive Therapy offers counsel and is crafted specifically to provide pastors’ wives the support.